On 29.9.2004, at 20:37, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Have you considered also separating the Mailbox access routines?
They are more or less separated already, but I don't know how useful it would be to create a separate library distribution from them. That is what takes most of the space in Dovecot distribution anyway..
Oh, and after v1.0 I'll probably start fixing the mailbox APIs too. lib-index and lib-storage needs to have different kind of relationship.
It would be marvelous if at some point being able to replace c-client library to your optimized one for PHP, mailsync, postman, aolserver and others - even if it means loosing support for odd mailbox formats.
I'm not sure what kind of API PHP provides for c-client. I know it's commonly used for building IMAP webmails, but Dovecot doesn't have any IMAP client code and maybe never will.