Am 03.09.2012 12:15, schrieb Voytek Eymont:
but hey, for you this is EOD because you know it better
SMTP STARTTLS: 587 SMTP over SSL: 465 POP3 STARTTLS: 110 POP3 over SSL: 995 IMAP STARTTLS: 143 IMAP over SSL: 993
in my limited experience, when I tried to set Outlook Express clients with my Dovecot 2, I couldn't get to do ssl/tls on port 110, only on 995; (I think..? I struck same with IMAP, couldn't get ssl/tls on 143, but, got it on 993)
it's a microsoft problem
question: is it because Outlook Express does SSL only, but not TLS? (or is it simply because it's crappy application ?)
because it is a crappy application
you see htunderbird perfectly switching between STARTTLS/SSL ports you can configure each webmail i know to use STARTTLS you can configure even Apple Mail for both usecases