DM> Interesting.

DM> While I don't use mbox (dbox or maildir) I wouldn't think that would
DM> matter. Your namespace layout looks nearly the same as my own. But to
DM> verify what's going on - post the output of "doveconf namespace".

DM> Possibly just reviewing that output may tell you enough - otherwise
DM> share it (fully) here.

DM> --
DM> Daniel

namespace {
 disabled = no
 hidden = no
 ignore_on_failure = no
 inbox = yes
 list = yes
 location =
 order = 0
 prefix = INBOX/
 separator = /
 subscriptions = yes
 type = private
namespace inbox {
 disabled = no
 hidden = no
 ignore_on_failure = no
 inbox = no
 list = yes
 location =
 mailbox Drafts {
   auto = no
   autoexpunge = 0
   comment =
   driver =
   special_use = \Drafts
 mailbox Junk {
   auto = no
   autoexpunge = 0
   comment =
   driver =
   special_use = \Junk
 mailbox Sent {
   auto = no
   autoexpunge = 0
   comment =
   driver =
   special_use = \Sent
 mailbox "Sent Messages" {
   auto = no
   autoexpunge = 0
   comment =
   driver =
   special_use = \Sent
 mailbox Trash {
   auto = no
   autoexpunge = 0
   comment =
   driver =
   special_use = \Trash
 order = 0
 prefix =
 separator =
 subscriptions = yes
 type = private