Hi Gabe,
I don't use this combo, but I know people that do, and most use procmail to do the delivery's in Maildir format. There are howtos, etc... on the web telling you how to do this. They may even tell you an easier way. Good Luck!
Regards Andrew
On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 13:06 +0100, Gabriel Granger wrote:
Hi all,
I'm using Debian (testing) for my office mail. I'm using sendmail
and Dovecot to deliver email to clients over IMAP using mbox format.
I want to move over and start using Maildir. I know that I can use
different MTA's to do the job, but I really like sendmail, and I run
additional sendmail servers across the my internal and external
networks. I'm probably being anal, but I want to keep my MTA the
same across the board. Does anyone here use sendmail + dovecot +
maildir? if so what's the best way of going about this?Gabe
-- Andrew Hutchings (A-Wing) Linux Guru - Netserve Consultants Ltd. - www.domaincity.co.uk Admin - North Wales Linux User Group - www.nwlug.org.uk BOFH excuse 28: CPU radiator broken