On 15/04/2019 11:38, Larry Rosenman via dovecot wrote:
⌂63% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ grep fts1970 mail/INBOX ⌂67% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] 1 $ mail -s "test fts1970" ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org> test fts1970
test fts1970 . EOT [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ mailq [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ grep fts1970 mail/INBOX Subject: test fts1970 test fts1970 test fts1970
Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker exim[49528]: 1hFxvD-000Csq-P6 <= ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org> U=ler P=local S=388 Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: lmtp(49364): Connect from local Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: lmtp(ler@lerctr.org/49364 <http://ler@lerctr.org/49364>): save: box=INBOX, uid=175402, msgid=<E1hFxvD-000Csq-P6@thebighonker.lerctr.org <mailto:E1hFxvD-000Csq-P6@thebighonker.lerctr.org>>, size=640, vsize=660, from=Larry Rosenman <ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org>>, subject=test fts1970, flags=() Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: lmtp(ler@lerctr.org/49364 <http://ler@lerctr.org/49364>): sieve: msgid=<E1hFxvD-000Csq-P6@thebighonker.lerctr.org <mailto:E1hFxvD-000Csq-P6@thebighonker.lerctr.org>>: stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX' (subject=test fts1970 from=ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org> size=660) Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: lmtp(49364): Disconnect from local: Client has quit the connection (state=READY) Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker exim[49535]: 1hFxvD-000Csq-P6 => ler <ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org>> R=localuser T=dovecot_lmtp S=404 C="250 2.0.0 <ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org>> 6ACWMN9OtFzUwAAAu+mOrA Saved" QT=0s DT=0s Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker exim[49535]: 1hFxvD-000Csq-P6 Completed QT=0s Apr 15 04:29:03 thebighonker dovecot[2507]: indexer-worker(ler@lerctr.org/49366 <http://ler@lerctr.org/49366>): Indexed 1 messages in INBOX (UIDs 175402..175402)
⌂81% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search mailbox INBOX body 'fts1970' ⌂83% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $
⌂65% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] 75 $ doveadm search -u ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org> mailbox INBOX body 'fts1970' a53a143be44bda5bd4830000bbe98eac 175402 [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm index -q INBOX [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search mailbox INBOX body 'fts1970' [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm fts rescan [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm index -q INBOX [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search mailbox INBOX body 'fts1970' a53a143be44bda5bd4830000bbe98eac 175402 [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ doveadm search -u ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org> mailbox INBOX body 'fts1970' a53a143be44bda5bd4830000bbe98eac 175402 [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $
So, yes, your hypothesis is correct.
Question: How can I make it consistent?
I have a script that runs on the first of the month that does archiving, and I have similar issues in that namespace: ⌂67% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $ cat bin/archive-mail #!/bin/sh PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin #Expects to be run after midnight on the first of the month # to archive all the previous months mail #Date Run: TODAY=
date "+%Y-%m-%d"
#last month in YYYY/MM YEAR_LAST_MONTH=date -v-1d "+%Y/%m"
#1st of last month as 01-Mon-YYYY FIRST_LAST_MONTH=date -v-1d "+01-%b-%Y"
echo 'TODAY=' ${TODAY} echo 'YEAR_LAST_MONTH=' ${YEAR_LAST_MONTH} echo 'FIRST_LAST_MONTH=' ${FIRST_LAST_MONTH} # get a list of all the mailboxes with at least one real message doveadm -f tab mailbox status vsize \* 2>/dev/null | sed -e 1d | sort -k 1,1 | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"} {if ($2 > 0) print $1}' | while read i do echodate
start ${i} doveadm mailbox create "ARCHIVE/${YEAR_LAST_MONTH}/${i}" doveadm -f tab mailbox status messages "${i}" doveadm move "ARCHIVE/${YEAR_LAST_MONTH}/${i}" mailbox
"${i}" BEFORE ${TODAY} SINCE ${FIRST_LAST_MONTH} doveadm -f tab mailbox status messages "${i}" echodate
done ${i} done ⌂64% [ler@thebighonker.lerctr.org:~] $The Exim config can be provided as well if necessary.
ler & ler@lerctr.org <mailto:ler@lerctr.org> *ARE THE SAME MAILBOX*
At the moment it looks as though you have two sets of emails indexed in solr. One is indexed under username (the one you are running mannually and apparently the one used by roundcube too, but that's to be verified) and another set being indexed by autoindex = yes option using the full email address. Once you've got it working as you require, then you may want to clean out solr and reindex with just one of them just to reduce volumes.
Your setup seems to have a mix of users from mysql and from /etc/passwd. Not sure if your mysql users are all mapped to real users or they have their own mailboxes with domain included. Your solution will depend on what you really need and if the setup is working correctly you may not want to tweak it too much or other things may start breaking.
The simplest thing that comes to mind (providing your manually indexed mails show up in roundcube searches) is just to turn off autoindex and schedule indexing from cron. As things stand I believe autoindex works well with virtual users username@domain. You'll probably need to start off with a rescan if you do this.
If you can swith to all virtual users without local users then probably you can use autoindex, but I can understand that may not be possible. For sure I'd recommend doing it in a test environment first so you can be sure of the configuration and then look at migrating your existing mailboxes over to virtual users.