Am 22.12.2011 08:27, schrieb Noel Butler:
On Thu, 2011-12-22 at 08:08 +0100, Robert Schetterer wrote:
Am 22.12.2011 00:49, schrieb Christopher Stolzenberg:
2011/12/22 Jim Knuth <>:
am 22.12.11 00:15 schrieb Christopher Stolzenberg
Indeed; very many of us use Debian stable. Which kernel did you install that is 2.0.16-friendly, and was this from Debian stable's updates system?
regards, Ron
Debian for production servers??? That sounds dangerous.
sorry, but that`s absolutely bulls*it. *lol* Where have you read then THIS?
My own experience!
Reasons against Debian:
- No LSB certification (Linux Standard Base)
- No hardware certification (IBM, Dell, HP ...)
- Incompatible with some Broadcom NICs
- Full of bugs
- Free Kernel (non-free firmware removed... lol)
- Obsolete kernel (incompatible with new hardware)
- Obsolete packages
- Only one year support for oldstable *lol*
- Long delay for security updates
-- Chris
dont feed trolls
Why is it when someone disagrees with someone's opinion they are labelled a troll, maybe because it hits a raw nerve huh? I dunno, and frankly don't care, but you have no right to do so just because you don't agree with Christophers statements.
Hi Noel. this has left the topic of the dovecot list, after all , everyone is free to use what he likes and what fits best to solute the tec problem/task he/she likes to solve these everlasting os discussions are leading to nirvana are heavy boring, doesnt help on fixing the asked tec problem
-- Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer