On 2013-11-11 6:35 AM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl@thelounge.net> wrote:
Am 11.11.2013 12:29, schrieb Charles Marcus:
Well, it would probably be a good thing to add a major, impossible to miss disclaimer on all wiki1 pages that the 1.x series is no longer supported..
it was explained *to you* on this list several times in the past and you insist to write postings "but i still use 1.x" which may suggest to other readers "hey, so it must be fine"
so what does a disclaimer help in case of users like you which insist to ignore whatever people tell them in whatever context?
wll, maybe you are some kind of special in that context.......
??? I've *never* used 1.x, I started off with 2.1.x...
Maybe you should stop posting to mail lists before you've had your morning coffee...
Best regards,