On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 4:46 AM Bernd Wurst via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:

we're operating dovecot on a small server. Some years ago, we migrated
from courier IMAP to dovecot. Therefore, we defined our default
Namespace "inbox" with prefix "INBOX." to have this compatible. I found
this in some migration docs those days. Generally, everything worked as

Our only namespace is configured like this:

namespace inbox {
 separator = .
  prefix = INBOX.
  inbox = yes

Regularly, there is no folder named INBOX or .INBOX in the file system,
I suppose this is correct.  But I found a special corner case today when
it comes to quota calculation.

When - for whatever reason - a folder .INBOX.foo (for arbitrary values
of foo) exists, the whole mailbox is counted twice in quota
recalculation. Just creating .INBOX does nothing but a subfolder
triggers the problem.

This is my shell view (replaced username and file path and deleted
unnecessary debug output)

$ cat maildirsize
14697 17
$ maildirmake .INBOX.foo
$ sudo doveadm -D quota recalc -u <user>
doveadm(<user>): Debug: Namespace inbox: type=private, prefix=INBOX.,
sep=., inbox=yes, hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes
doveadm(<user>): Debug: maildir++: root=/home/.../test, index=,
indexpvt=, control=, inbox=/home/.../test, alt=
doveadm(<user>): Debug: Namespace : type=private, prefix=, sep=,
inbox=no, hidden=yes, list=no, subscriptions=no location=fail::LAYOUT=none
doveadm(<user>): Debug: none: root=, index=, indexpvt=, control=,
inbox=, alt=
doveadm(<user>): Debug: quota: quota_over_flag check: quota_over_script
unset - skipping
doveadm(<user>): Debug: Quota root User quota: Recalculated relative
rules with bytes=268435456 count=0. Now grace=26843545
doveadm(<user>): Debug: Namespace INBOX.: Using permissions from
/home/.../test: mode=0700 gid=default

$ cat maildirsize
29394 34

So the used quota has exactly been doubled by just creating an empty

Do you have any pointers for fixing my configuration or is this a bug in

I coincidentally resurrected a months-old thread with this same issue a few days ago. I'm seeing the exact same after upgrading from 2.2.32 to 2.2.36.

The original poster (who also narrowed it down to something in 2.2.34) mentioned a workaround that does indeed work, namely setting mailbox_list_index=no:

> doveadm -o 'mailbox_list_index=no' quota recalc -u myuser

I've been staring at diffs of 2.2.33 and 2.2.34 without anything jumping out at me (not a C guy, sadly). Maybe src/lib-storage/index/index-storage.c or src/lib-storage/list/mailbox-list-fs-iter.c or src/lib-storage/list/mailbox-list-index-iter.c or src/lib-storage/list/mailbox-list-index.c?

The latter few have some added strcmp's against "INBOX". Then again, there's a lot of new code in the diffs under src/lib-storage that references INBOX specifically.