I have read the migration docs.  They seem to relate to migrating from one imap product to dovecot on the same server.  I'm interested in migrating my Maildir-formatted email from one server to another.

1.  Can I tar my ~/mail directory on serverX.com, untar it on a different physical serverY.com (initially with a different domain name), and still see my mail when I access imap.serverY.com (dovecot's running on serverY.com .. but let me know if there are any tricks that I need to make this work).

2.  If I maintain large mailboxes and check my mail frequently, how does the dovecot server load compare to something like apache or Samba?

I ask because I have a vanity domain that I mostly use for email and I want to ensure that I can migrate my precious emails to a new service provider.  And the provider that I'm considering offers low-cost virtual dedicated servers but meters usage (including RAM and CPU).

One of the reasons I have question #1 is that the server name seems to be part of the email file names...

amead:/home/amead> ls mail/cur | head -2

(rootr.net is my current provider, not my vanity domain; vulcan is the name of their mailserver) I don't know what effect this will have, if any?

