On 10/08/2019 15:51 Coy Hile via dovecot < dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:

Did you check your logs?

that’s just it. There’s nothing in syslog (which is logging at mail.debug). Not just nothing useful, absolutely _nothing_ logged when I run that. All I see is this (printed, I presume to STDERR):

doveadm backup -D -A -R -f ssh -i id_rsa.dsync imap01.coyhile.com /opt/local/bin/doveadm dsync-server -A
Error: User listing returned failure
doveadm: Error: Failed to iterate through some users
dsync-local( hile@coyhile.com)<gCspG6m8Tl3bJQEAxHAMlw>: Error: read(remote) failed: EOF (version not received)

The last line makes sense given the earlier failure.

Should this log somewhere else besides syslog? And is there some way I can isolate and test _just_ the user iteration and enumeration code to prove out that the query is correct? Clearly, from output above, it should be.


Can you try doveadm -Dv backup ... 

note the -Dv goes before backup

Aki Tuomi