15 Nov
15 Nov
1:41 p.m.
With 0.99.x it's not possible, so you'd have to run two Dovecot instances.
First thanks for providing this great open source software to the community.
Now, I just saw some posts where you said 0.99.x wasn't very good as a POP3 server.
Therefore, I think I'll just keep using WU-IPOP3D until dovecot 1.0 is released.
Any idea when it's going to happen ?
Thanks. Vincent.
With 1.0-tests I think this should work:
protocol pop3 { ssl_cert_file = ... }
protocol imap { ssl_cert_file = ... }
Vincent Jaussaud Kelkoo.com Security Manager email: tatooin@kelkoo.com GPG key: 1024D/3BFE3FC7 2002-02-07
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." -- President Thomas Jefferson. 1743-1826