10/08/15 19:35, Oscar del Rio пишет:
You forgot to post your "doveconf -n" configuration. It looks like your attachment storage includes the username in the path. That won't work. The path should be global, e.g. /usr/share/mail/attachments, and readable/writable by the dovecot process.
SiS deduplicates the attachments regardless of username since the same attachment might be sent/received by multiple users. SiS will save a single copy in the global path and transparently link it to the users' mailboxes.
Thank you for reply. I had have understood this already, when spent some time for thinking about which ways available for SiS to deduplicate attachments without access to FS and kernel. Of course, is there the only way - keep attachments in big one pile and link it to user's mail.
It is not for me.
When I'll set
will dovecot stores attachments for each user? I.e. when mail group info aliased to users aaa, bbb and ccc, will dovecot store attachments separately for aaa@granch.ru, bbb@granch.ru, ccc@granch.ru or it again try to keep it in aaa's mail directory and link to another two?
-- С Уважением. Ачилов Рашид Нурмухамедович (AchilovRN@granch.ru) Главный специалист по защите информации ООО НПФ "Гранч", тел: +7 (383) 233-35-12, доб. 107