also sprach Timo Sirainen <> [2007.08.14.0028 +0200]:
What exactly do you mean by FETCHing metadata? Something like ENVELOPE or BODYSTRUCTURE? And this is fetched for all messages instead of just new ones? That could easily explain why cache is so large.
The code is:
response = imapobj.fetch('1:%d' % maxmsgid, '(FLAGS UID INTERNALDATE)')[1]
meaning that it obtains (FLAGS UID INTERNALDATE) for all messages in a folder every time.
It needs to do this to be able to synchronise flags. But does it mean that the server has to keep it all in memory? I am not sure...
-- martin; (greetings from the heart of the sun.) \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:" net@madduck
"never eat more than you can lift." -- miss piggy