I've two accounts 'matthias' and 'mailverwalter'. Mailverwalter want's to share the Spam folder:
This is the situation in the beginning:
(matthias) a LIST (SUBSCRIBED) "common." "*" a OK List completed. a LIST (SUBSCRIBED) "common.mailverwalter" "*" a OK List completed.
(mailverwalter) a GETACL Spam
- ACL "Spam" "mailverwalter" lrwstipekxacd a OK Getacl completed. a GETACL INBOX
- ACL "INBOX" "mailverwalter" lrwstipekxacd a OK Getacl completed.
So far so good. Mailverwalter sets the list permission:
(mailverwalter) a SETACL "Spam" "matthias" l a OK Setacl complete. a GETACL "Spam"
- ACL "Spam" "matthias" l "mailverwalter" lrwstipekxacd a OK Getacl completed. a GETACL "INBOX"
- ACL "INBOX" "mailverwalter" lrwstipekxacd a OK Getacl completed.
That's ok as well and I want to make sure that the INBOX doesn't have any other permission. After that, some listing:
(matthias) a LIST (SUBSCRIBED) "common." "*" a OK List completed. a LIST (SUBSCRIBED) "common.mailverwalter." "*" a OK List completed.
That's also ok, nothing subscribed.
(matthias) a LIST "common.mailverwalter." "*"
- LIST (\Noselect \HasChildren) "." "common.mailverwalter"
- LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "common.mailverwalter.Spam" a OK List completed.
This normal folder listing seems to be ok, too, and then listing of the subcribed folders again:
(matthias) a LIST (SUBSCRIBED) "common.mailverwalter." "*"
- LIST (\Subscribed \NonExistent) "." "common.mailverwalter.INBOX" a OK List completed.
And then, the INBOX is subscribed and \NonExistent because I don't have permissions on it. The folder stays subscribed as long as I'm connected to the server. When I disconnect and do the LIST (SUBSCRIBED) again, the folder is not subscribed as long I do not 'normal' list it. Happens with dovecot 1.2.11, haven't tried 2.0 yet. I assume that's not the intended behaviour. This INBOX folder confuses the Nokia n900 email client a lot, but it doesn't matter if it can be accessed or not.