Dear Marc, Noted. This is starting to make a lot of sense. Of course, more computing power, hence more performance. Also filesystems and such all have and effect on the outcome. I might experiment with adding more computing power and seeing the result. My mailbox does not have many users so I might try that. Currently running a 2gb RAM with 2core processors.
On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 4:23 PM, Marc Stürmer <> wrote:
Am 27.01.2015 um 03:24 schrieb Kevin Laurie:
Hi Thomas,
That's very interesting. Below is my search result. Any idea why is my result so slow:- Appreciate if you could advise.
It depends on a couple of facts. Full text searches must go through a number of bottle necks, depending on your installation, namely:
a) type of disk drive(s), b) way of installation of those drives, c) the underlying file system itself, d) the storage format being chosen to save the mails, e) how many users you've got on your system, f) memory of your system, g) CPU power of your system and h) how busy your system is.
If you got for example a lonely box with let's sax four gigs of RAM and you are using it by yourself only, chances are high enough that even with a big enough up time most of your mails are in the file system cache of your OS. Meaning a full text search would happen mostly in RAM and therefor of course would be blazingly fast.
If you take the same machine and let it serve let's say about 2000 mailboxes, this would be a very different kind of matter. Your file system cache would be flushed frequently and full text searches without index would be way slower, because now those search actually mean I/O operations for Dovecot on your type of storage.
If you really want consistent, fast full text search speeds on a busy box, incremental full text indexing is the only way to go.
If you are the only user of a big box chances are high you get similar results without.