Ed W <lists@wildgooses.com> wrote:
Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
Could you offer some suggestion how to fetch mailbox content over high RTT link (with negligible packet loss)?
Currently I use IMAP+IDLE *but* it fails to use full available bandwidth due to high RTT and "send command wait for response" nature of POP3 and IMAP4 protocols.
Is this a satellite phone question?
I build a bunch of products to help with this, but for a fairly specialist market. You can probably contact me offlist via this email address or any of them on the website below?
However, we use lots of compression, pipelining and some predictive fetches to wring every bit of performance out of a 2.4Kbit connection with 1.5s+ latency
Good luck
Ed W
It is not a a satellite phone question. :-) It is "imap over (compressed) ssh" with "link merely one category above modem speed" to access "shared mailbox". Fetchamil's IMAP+IDLE works "almost acceptable" except pretty long periods of pretty high loads on the link.
It seems that significant part of problems is sufficiently similar to sat-phone situation.
BTW Do you suffer sufficient packet loss to consider using UDP instead of TCP based protocols?
-- [pl>en: Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : anfi@onet.eu There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom. -- Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923