Hello, i am currently using squat dovecot, but some users that have lots os emails ( 1GB ) are complaining about speed. Iam using dovecot 2.0.13 on debian 6
my squat conf is plugin { fts = squat fts_squat = partial=4 full=5 }
I am thinking in maybe start to use Solr, so any one can help me with an decision?
I am probably gonna update dovecot to 2.1 next year. and them maybe change the FTS plugin.
This year i will get 10k disk only to store the dovecot index, rigth now they are saved on the same storage that the mails are and also change the "full" parameter to something like 10 or 15 I know i will use more disk space for it, but it will make a lot of differences right? it will match the message without the need of opening it for any search smaller than 10 character i guess.
But this will be enough? or Solr or Lucene still better?
Anyway, i am not current updating the indexes automatic, but i am planing on it, just not sure what is better, the command doveadm index or doveadm search... with one is better to do the task?