I'm trying to migrate mail accounts from an old server to a new one. As I need to migrate dozens of accounts which take about 1G each, I need to do stateful sync to make my migration in two times :
1 - I run a : doveadm -D -o mail_fsync=never -o imapc_user=user1@olddomain.fr sync -s "" -R -1 -u user1@newdomain.fr imapc: > /tmp/firstsync.log 2>&1
my accounts are synced, and I get a "state" string (AQAAAHm4+Jk=) as the output of doveadm sync command.
2 - Changes are made on the old server, and I expect next dsync will sync only the changes / new mails. So I run a : doveadm -D -o mail_fsync=never -o imapc_user=user1@olddomain.fr sync -s "AQAAAHm4+Jk=" -R -1 -u user1@newdomain.fr imapc: > /tmp/secondsync.log 2>&1
My problem is that state of messages are not synchronized (mails marked as read on old server are still unread on new server, mails moved on a folder on the old server are still in the INBOX of new server).
The full debug of ran commands is available here : http://fpaste.scsys.co.uk/557551 The result of "doveconf -n" is available here : http://fpaste.scsys.co.uk/557552 I'm using version 2.2.27
Can anyone tell me if I'm doing something wrong ? How can I debug more ?
Regards, Cédric