FROM ubuntu:18.04 RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y apt-transport-https gpg curl && \ curl | gpg --import && \ gpg --export ED409DA1 > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/dovecot.gpg && \ echo "deb bionic main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dovecot.list && \ apt-get update && \ bash -c "apt-get install -y dovecot-{core,imapd,sqlite,managesieved,sieve,pop3d,lmtpd,submissiond,lua} lua-socket" CMD [ "/usr/sbin/dovecot","-F","-c","/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf" ] I had to install lua-socket, which is used by the example script and not required by dovecot-lua, which is ok, you just need to know. Using Aki's code snippet as user=<metadata> lead to an other error: Aug 03 14:54:15 Error: doveadm: lua: /usr/share/lua/5.2/socket/url.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil) Aug 03 14:54:15 Error: lmtp(<username> 38): lmtp-server: conn [1]: rcpt <username>: lua: /usr/share/lua/5.2/socket/url.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)
function dovecot_lua_notify_event_message_new(ctx, event) -- check if there is a push token registered if (ctx.meta == nil or ctx.meta == '') then return end
Thanks Aki, I'll check it out :) Am 03.08.20 um 11:40 schrieb Aki Tuomi:On 03/08/2020 12:31 Ralf Becker <> wrote: We're currently using the OX push driver, which is straight forward (simple web hook) and allows to store (multiple) push tokens of our webmailer direct in mailbox metadata. Only drawback is that it only supports new arriving mails in the INBOX, even mails moved via Sieve to other folders are NOT reported. Therefore we updated now to Dovecot 2.3(.10.1) to also get mails moved by user or Sieve scripts, deleted mails or flag changes. As far as I read the example Lua scripts and (a little) the Dovecot C code, the nice indirection of using mailbox metadata to a) enable push and b) store push tokens (modify reported user attribute with them) does NOT exist in the Lua driver by default. So my questions is: how can I access mailbox metadata from within the Lua script, to make eg. the example script behave like the OX driver with user_from_metadata set? I'm happy to update the Lua examples, if that's any help ... Ralf -- Ralf Becker EGroupware GmbH [] Handelsregister HRB Kaiserslautern 3587 Geschäftsführer Birgit und Ralf Becker Leibnizstr. 17, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany Telefon +49 631 31657-0Actually it does exist: or mailbox:metadata_get() You get both of these objects from the push notification data, you just have to keep them in the context state. (See the example scripts) function dovecot_lua_notify_begin_txn(user) local meta = user:metadata_get("/private/key") return {messages={}, ep=user:plugin_getenv("push_lua_url"), username=user.username, meta=meta} end Aki
-- Ralf Becker EGroupware GmbH [] Handelsregister HRB Kaiserslautern 3587 Geschäftsführer Birgit und Ralf Becker Leibnizstr. 17, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany Telefon +49 631 31657-0