Mark Foley <mfoley@ohprs.org> (Do 12 Nov 2015 23:31:39 CET):
According to a message to this list from Oli Schacher, http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2011-June/059493.html, all I need to do is copy the deleted emails to their original folder and dovecot will take care of it:
exactly, just copy the mail from your backup back into the users maildir (usually into 'cur'). Make sure the permissions of the restored file are correct. No need to synchronize anything, dovecot automatically detects the added message.
About the 'cur' I'd not be too sure. If you *mv* the files there from a directory on the same filesystem, you should be fine, but if copy the files, I'd be careful. Probably you want to mimic the maildir behaviour:
copy the files to tmp/
mv the files to cur/ (not sure, if new/ would be fine to,
because new/ is the natural place after
tmp/. I'm not sure, what this does to the
message state the client sees.)
Best regards from Dresden/Germany
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
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