On 14/11/2014 14:23, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 14.11.2014 um 15:15 schrieb Ron Leach:
service lmtp { inet_listener lmtp { address = ::1 port = 24 }
Does this example mean that LMTP will only listen for input messages from the interface with IP address (plus localhost)? If so, I probably haven't understood how LMTP is intended to work. Is there a reason why we want to limit LMTP to listening for messages from a specific IP on the network?
no - it *listens* on that IP's
the "address" exists for all other services too a server likely has more than one interface / IP
Got it. Thanks, Harald, and Fernando. I had wondered whether the ...24 was just the example machine for the LMTP host but the wiki was silent on that so, rather than guess, I though it best to check.
We will be running LMTP and Exim on the same machine so may leave the machine's external port 24 unserved.
Grateful, Ron