On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 02:20:41PM -0700, Dean Gibson (Mail Administrator) wrote:
On 2006-08-13 11:11, Axel Thimm wrote:
Installing support for mysql client libs does not imply you have to run a mysql server (or even access one). That's what security is about when discussing minimal systems in a security context.
Really? And how do you install JUST the client libs? [... more rant on how to install things ...]
On every modern distribution, or better said, on every distribution but LFS you have depsolver tools that automatically cater for the dependencies, no one is on "treasure hunts" since ages. For Fedora Core take your pick:
smart install dovecot
yum install dovecot
apt-get install dovecot
On FC1 it yields the following:
# smart install dovecot Loading cache... Updating cache... ######################################## [100%]
Computing transaction...
Installing packages (21):
SysVinit-2.85-5@i386 mysql-3.23.58-4@i386
cyrus-sasl-2.1.15-6@i386 net-tools-1.60-20.1@i386
cyrus-sasl-md5-2.1.15-6@i386 openldap-2.1.22-8@i386
dovecot-1.0-0_19.rc6.fc1.at@i386 perl-DBD-MySQL-2.9002-1@i386
ethtool-1.8-2.1@i386 perl-DBI-1.37-1@i386
fedora-release-1-3@i386 postgresql-libs-7.3.4-2@i386
initscripts-7.42-1@i386 procps-2.0.17-1@i386
iproute-2.4.7-11@i386 psmisc-21.3-2.RHEL.0@i386
iputils-20020927-9.1@i386 sysklogd-1.4.1-13@i386
mingetty-1.06-2@i386 util-linux-2.11y-29@i386
12.9MB of package files are needed. 32.7MB will be used.
Confirm changes? (Y/n):
That's all there is to "treasure hunts".
And what should any packaging system do when you suddenly do reference mysql support in dovecot.conf? Should it automatically install the missing libs the moment you leave the editor?
The packaging system shouldn't do anything. If I were ever to suddenly reference mysql support in dovecot.conf, I expect to THEN get the error message I got,
You got an error message because you explicitly broke package and library dependencies, you want such a breakage to be the default mode of packaging and library management? Sorry, that's totally unacceptable.
Fortunately, when I gave up chasing the MySQL RPM dependency trail and downloaded the dovecot source, for some inexplicable reason it built without having to engage in the usual "include file treasure hunt". It took a couple builds (getting pam-dev and OpenSSL-dev, and for some reason e2fsprogs-dev), and a couple configuration fits and starts, but now Dovecot is up and running.
I'm a Fedora/Red Hat user and in a parallel thread a gentoo user and myself were making distributions jokes. But to be honest I like gentoo, if I were to use source based distribution, I would go gentoo.
From what you write *you are a gentoo user*, but possibly don't know that yet. If you need taylored, minimal setups tuned to your liking and matching your demands and your hardware you need to use gentoo (or other similar distributions).
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net