26 Mar
26 Mar
9:04 a.m.
On Sat, 26 Mar 2016 13:34:34 +1000 Noel Butler <noel.butler@ausics.net> wrote:
On 21/03/2016 17:06, Andre Rodier wrote:
Sorry if I am off topic a little.
I am looking for an email host provider that supports dovecot, sieve and manage sieve. Ideally with the roundcube webmail and managesieve plugin
Better if it is in Europe or switzerland. I don't mind paying a little.
Thanks, André.
Hi Andre,
see www.webhostingtalk.com
There are a number of reliable and reasonable priced hosts in Germany (best place if you value your privacy) and Netherlands.
You mean "best place if you have no idea of the german laws and whats really going on" ...
-- Regards, Stephan