14 Feb
14 Feb
7:37 p.m.
Is normal this info/error with autosigned certs?
Feb 14 20:25:47 pop3-login: Info: Disconnected (no auth attempts):ip=[], port=[51243], protocol=pop3, TLS handshaking: SSL_accept() failed: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca: SSL alert number 48
I set on config a specific certs for pop3 protocol including key, cert and ca,
protocol pop3 { ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/pop3d.cert ssl_key = </etc/ssl/pop3d.key ssl_ca = </etc/ssl/ca.pem }
If I check as true confirmed on Thunderbird client, then, the error is no reported any more.
-- Antonio Pérez-Aranda Alcaide aperezaranda@yaco.es
Yaco Sistemas S.L. http://www.yaco.es/ C/ Rioja 5, 41001 Sevilla Teléfono +34 954 50 00 57 Fax +34 954 50 09 29