On Dec 9, 2014, at 11:00 AM, Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote:
On Tue, 9 Dec 2014, Stephen Lidie wrote:
On Dec 9, 2014, at 2:34 AM, Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote: On Mon, 8 Dec 2014, Stephen Lidie wrote:
I've only be able to status a mailbox for currently existing users, is it possible to status a mailbox reloaded from tape to an alternate location? The user may or may not exist at this time, but I still
need to inspect the mailbox ... thank you,
Well, although I am able to issue a mailbox status command regardless, the implication was that the command displayed an empty string (nothing useful), and thus a working example using files not in the locations specified by mail_location would be useful. In my configuration mail_locations is defined as:
mail_location = mdbox:~/mail:INDEX=/var/dovecot/index/%u
So a command of the form “doveadm mailbox status -u userName all INBOX” uses mail_location as defined in dovecot.conf to locate the mail and index files, and displays appropriate information about the specified user’s INBOX.
If I have mail and index files in an alternate location - restored from a backup tape for example - how do I obtain data such as unseen, message count, vsize, etc about mailboxes residing at that alternate location, a location not pointed to by mail_location? As I mentioned, “doveadm import” allows one to provide an alternate source location, but “doveadm mailbox status” does not AFAIK, thus, a sample command would be wonderful.
if the user does not exist at all, you could create a dummy "restore" account, where you restore the data to and can use as any other user. This would work for any existing user, too.
True, that was my last resort, because I'd have to go through "channels" to get a real dummy username added to the University's LDAP server, then I'd have to to an actual import, and finally the status.
For me this is working, too:
doveadm -o mail_location=maildir:/home/user2/Maildir mailbox status
-u user1 all INBOX
Eureka!! The magic incantation snippet I was seeking :) I had tried, variously, placing this simple string:
at various points on the doveadm command line, I tried exporting the string as the environment variables mail_location and MAIL_LOCATION, and I tried to find some option that would accept an alternate mail_location. I even briefly scanned the force code but saw immediately that that solution would be slow going :) I just now tried to find where -o was documented, to no avail:
# man doveadm|egrep -i '\-o' # man doveadm mailbox|egrep -i '\-o' # man doveadm help|egrep -i '\-o'
So, where exactly did I fail to find -o documented?
Now I (or an operator) can pre-scan candidate mail files pulled from tape before actually restoring them for a real user account, to help narrow down the results. Did I mention that this is the exact solution I was hoping for?!
Many thanks, Steve
shows the same as
doveadm mailbox status -u user2 all INBOX
but not the same as:
doveadm mailbox status -u user1 all INBOX
So, if you craft a good -o mail_location= and an "-u", which has access permissions on filesystem level (e.g. if you are using system users), it should work. Maybe, you need to specify "-o home=...", too.
- -- Steffen Kaiser -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
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