On 29/04/20 8:55 am, kelly wrote:
Sorry for all the notes;
I'm trying to have postfix 3.4.8, trying to authenticate postfix against Dovecot passwd-file, using lmtp.
Not sure if I'm failing because of a smtp failure or I'm not getting authenticated by dovecot.
_*postfix log*_
connect from unknown[]
Apr 28 13:42:14 mail3 postfix/smtpd[21859]: lost connection after EHLO from unknown[]
Apr 28 13:42:14 mail3 postfix/smtpd[21859]: disconnect from unknown[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 commands=3
This is a postfix issue, you need to ask for help on the postfix mailing list.
Make sure you read and follow the DEBUG_README that comes with postfix when posting your question.