On Nov 24, 2008, at 1:00 PM, Daniel Watts wrote:
Perhaps dovecot could try the fix but if it still fails just go
and delete the indexes itself?It's not really possible to delete indexes automatically because of
a crash.May I ask why? This is bascially what we do manually if we encounter
a corrupt, unrepairable index and it seems to work fine with no
noticeable negative impact.
Perhaps it might work for some situations, but it would need code to:
- locate the log file (difficult if you're logging to syslog)
- parse the log file
- figure out if crash was caused by a broken index file or something
All of this just to work around some rare bugs that shouldn't be
happening in the first place. And in some situations it might delete
index files that didn't even need to be deleted.
Of course you could write all of that yourself to a script that's
tailing Dovecot's error log and it would work just as well as anything
Dovecot could internally implement.