> Error: auth-worker(default): BUG: PASSV had invalid passdb ID

Does this still happen with rc22?

Yes, I am still getting this.

Here is my situation. I am authenticating people out of MySQL on a proxy, and relaying them to my storage servers.

proxy log:
Feb 15 17:05:59 dellio dovecot: auth( mail.infowest.com): client out: OK 1       user=user@host.com        host=     destuser=user@host.com *masteruser       nologin proxy   pass=secret

I get this in my logs on my storage server:
dovecot: Feb 15 17:05:59 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH   1       PLAIN   service=POP3    lip=      rip=       resp=AGNhc3NpZHl0ZXN0QGluZm93ZXN0LmNvbSphZG1pbkBpbmZvd2VzdC5jb20Ac2VjcmV0
dovecot: Feb 15 17:05:59 Error: auth-worker(default): BUG: PASSV had invalid passdb ID

Perhaps I am understanding how the whole MasterUser works right? But, I want to authenticate the users at the proxy level so I can do SPA, then proxy it off to my storage server for mailbox storage. On my proxy I simply return the cleartext password from my password_query line for the authentication to correctly complete. However, how is the correct 'master password' going to get sent off to the "storage server"? Sure, I can append the master username, and I do just fine.  But, how is the storage server supposed to get the "master password" in addition?

On my storage server I have the following in dovecot.conf:
  passdb pam {
  passdb sql {
    args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot-sql.conf

Then within dovecot-sql.conf:
password_query = SELECT user, clearpasswd AS password FROM authenticate.users WHERE '%u' = 'masteruser'

However, I am not seeing any SQL queries happen to try and verify the user/pass for the masteruser.

The next funny thing is, if I have a password file, and have the masteruser's password set in that password file to the same password as the user that I am trying to proxy with, things work.  If the masteruser's password in the password file is different, it doesnt work. So the question is, how does the proxy send the password to use for the masteruser?

