On 9/12/14, Edwardo Garcia <wdgarc88@gmail.com> wrote:
On 9/12/14, Nick Edwards <nick.z.edwards@gmail.com> wrote:
On 9/11/14, Edwardo Garcia <wdgarc88@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyones had experiences with feeding usenet into imap folders, we like to have some group for all user, any problem with message limit? We only want the text newsgroups?
Thats crazy!
Depending on your news feed that will get huge over time, and if you try get a back feed of existing posts, thats even crazier, my upstream feeds me over FORTY THOUSAND text newsgroups. thats unrealistic to
How much of these group are active? Or how many post a day on average you get?
feed into imap, just advertise your news server, or if you dont have one, set up inn on a spare machine, hell for a couple thousand users,
We looked at inn, it is, to be blunt, a diabolical mess , the access file is nightmare, it no limit user concurrency or daily limit by default without write external code, if inn is typical, is no wonder usenet is not as popular this days.
DNews I've heard since its unsupported now, they are. or have, given away free keys to some who've asked. We use it, its really powerful, awesome of system resource niceness, and so easy to configure even a child could do it (helolo Benny LOL), try download an have a go, yo can try-before-you-buy with anyway, and I think it still runs forever, not crippled if you dont get a key, it just puts messages into posts about it after a while.
DNews even has a mail gateway which would be a sinch to add to imap, but again, thats crazy, dont do it, unless you only want a handful of groups.
Oh benefit of DNews is, in "pull mode" it only gets what groups are read, so you dont need to get the full 40K groups if you dont want them, if you want a full feed, I suggest setting it up as ihave, and use suck2 to populate your news server with all articles of all groups your upstream has, but be careful of bandwith requirements for that, and I suggest you suspend your ihave until that is completed.
This really off topic now, so if you need to talk more about it, contact me offlist so we dont upset the crybabies.