Hi there,

I've set up my Dovecot instance for shared mail accounts. I'm using Debian 10, Dovecot 2.3.4.

This is what I did:

#namespace {
#  type = private
#  separator = /
#  prefix =
#  location =
#  inbox = yes

namespace {
  type = shared
  separator = /
  prefix = Osztott/%%u/
  location = maildir:%%h:INDEX=~/shared/%%u
  subscriptions = no
  list = yes

Note, the word "Osztott" means "Shared" in my language.

The strange behaviors:

1: as you can see, the first empty namespace is commented. This is because when I restarted the Dovecot instance, it sent this message to the log:

Error: namespace configuration error: Duplicate namespace prefix: ""

When I commented out these lines, the error message left.

Why did that happen? What's the real solution?

2: with this config, I see the shared accounts under my account, with prefix "Osztott" - but the shared account is duplicated. There are two instances with similar names. In first mailbox I see the e-mails, this is fine. But under the "regular" name of the shared mailbox, there is the other mailbox with the same name + a suffix "-1", which is empty.

Why is that second maildir there?

Thank you for your help,
