I'm using Fedora Core 4. The problem seems to have gone away. Not sure what I did to fix it.
I changed this:
mechanisms = plain
I had others that didn't seem to work.
I also put the user dovecot in the mail group. That might have fixed it.
One thing I'd like to suggest is that this error would be better if it had more information about what resource wasn't available.
Todd Burroughs wrote:
On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Marc Perkel wrote:
What would cause this?
dovecot: Jul 31 19:31:17 Error: imap-login: Can't connect to auth server at default: Resource temporarily unavailable
What OS are you using? I see the same problem, but haven't been able to figure out why yet. I'm running SuSE Linux 9.2 with a 2.6 kernel.
It should mean something like you've run out of file descriptors or sockets, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
-- Marc Perkel -
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