On Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:27 PM +0100 Benjamin hering@luck-n-load.de wrote:
currently we have some email accounts which get maintained by different people. If any of this users sends a mail, it is only saved on his local machine, but not on the imap server. But i'll need them to get saved on the mail server for backup purposes and that every user can see which mails have been sent through this account. Is this possible?
Dovecot's responsible for receiving mail. You need to do this when you send mail, so you probably need to do this in your MTA or MSA. For sendmail, you could set up MIMEDefang to copy messages from selected senders to a special local account (Use MD's AddRecipient()) and then add that IMAP account to the MUA's of all the people who need to see the sent messages.