On 2012-07-22 7:59 AM, mailing list subscriber <mailinglists35@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to get the so-called "single instance store" (I think cyrus has got the name for the first time) with dovecot --version = 2.0.19 binary package installed from ubuntu 12.04 lts official repo.
For advanced/newest features, you would be well advised to use the most current stable version, which is currently 2.1.8...
I have checked that "maildir_copy_with_hardlinks" is enabled ("dovecot -a|grep hard" shows "yes") then I have installed and enabled the lmtp component of dovecot. The configuration "dovecot -n" is pasted here: http://paste.lug.ro/131180
Please don't do that - just paste the output in the email body, it is much easier to read/respond and try to help you.
Best regards,