On 11/17/2016 11:03 PM, lists@lazygranch.com <lists@lazygranch.com> wrote:
Comments about the retired TB: https://blog.mozilla.org/thunderbird/
Practically what this means is that in 2016, Thunderbird will finally be able to accept donations from users directed toward the update and maintenance of Thunderbird. In the long run, Thunderbird needs to rely on our users for support, and not expect to be subsidized by revenue from Firefox. We welcome this help from the Mozilla Foundation in moving toward our goal of developing independent sources of income for Thunderbird.
The interesting thing is that Thunderbird has seen a lot more bug fixes and improvements since Mozilla 'abandoned' development of it than it ever saw under direct Mozilla 'care'.
There are some uncomfortable pain points coming up (deprecation of XUL/XPCOM being the main ones), but I'm confident Thunderbird will emerge victorious, once again.