Indexes are very random, mostly read, some writes if using dovecot-lda (ej: dbox). The average size is rather small, maybe 5 KB in our setup. Bandwith is rather low, 20-30 MB/sec
We are using HP LeftHand for our replicated storage needs.
El 11/05/2012 08:41, Cor Bosman escribió:
Hey all, we're in the process of checking out alternatives to our index storage. We're currently storing indexes on a NetApp Metrocluster which works fine, but is very expensive. We're planning a few different setups and doing some actual performance tests on them.
Does anyone know some of the IO patterns of the indexes? For instance:
- mostly random reads or linear reads/writes?
- average size of reads and writes?
- how many read/writes on average for a specific mailbox size?
Anyone do any measurements of this kind?
Alternatively, does anyone have any experience with other redundant storage options? Im thinking things like MooseFS, DRBD, etc?