On Oct 6, 2008, at 3:47 AM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
Timo Sirainen wrote:
Probably one of the most commonly asked question is "Why does Dovecot just say authentication failed"? It would be nice to be able to get
rid of these questions by having Dovecot itself point out the http://wiki.dovecot.org/WhyDoesItNotWork link. But how to do this?
There are two groups of people here: ..There's no point in trying to program in fancy conditions for errors like this. It's just silly. Even if you make these changes I'll bet
you it doesn't make a difference. The same group you're trying to help
will see the long, wordy error message, glaze over it, and go straight to
"my password doesn't work and I know it's right".
It doesn't help for everyone, but I think it could reduce the number
of these questions. I think I'm going to do this:
If /var/lib/dovecot/auth-success file doesn't exist at startup and
protocols != none, print at startup:
If you have trouble with authentication failures, enable auth_debug setting. http://wiki.dovecot.org/WhyDoesItNotWork
If the process printed that and a successful login comes in (master
process sees it easily internally), create the auth-success file.
This should be only about 10-20 extra lines of code, doesn't change
behavior for end users and shouldn't annoy sysadmins since it stops
after the first successful authentication.