Hi all,
All email clients suck. IMHO Claws-Mail sucks less, but even on the Claws-Mail mailing list there are all sorts of problems discussed. Most of these problems are a moot point for me, because I use Claws-Mail only as a window into my locally hosted Dovecot IMAP server. Claws-Mail is like a little window into Dovecot.
Meanwhile, all those "don't quite work right" functionalities normally done by an email client I do outside of Claws. For filtering, I use Procmail, which sorts messages into the correct (Dovecot) folders and sends trolls to /dev/null.
If Claws-Mail ever becomes as lame as Kmail, I can just switch to another email client, because most of my setup is in Dovecot and the input to Dovecot. Email clients are interchangeable for me, and this REALLY makes my life less worrysome.
And Dovecot does one thing and does it right. It never breaks.
Thank you for this great tool!
Steve Litt November 2015 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques