Is there anyway I can get Dovecot to update mtime on dovecot.index everytime a user successfully checks there email? Or perhaps there is a better way to do what I want here.
I am working on a script that I want to check when the last time a user checked there email account. If a user has not checked it in say 6 months I want to automatically suspend the account through the MTA. If they start checking it again I also want to automatically reinstate it. What I thought was a good way was to look at the mtime on dovecot.index but a user can be checking there email daily but if they do not receive a new message in say 6 months the mtime will date back to 6 months still. Ran into this with an email address used by a fax machine.
So is there a better way with dovecot to determine this? I am using dovecot-1.0.rc29 right now.