since years mutt, 'cause it really sucks. I tried TB or claws, evolution, opera but always returned to mutt.
Am 18. November 2016 06:31:43 MEZ, schrieb Steve Litt <>:
On Thu, 17 Nov 2016 18:07:15 -0800 wrote:
FWIW, I use claws, which is about the only one not mentioned.
I don't like Thunderbird. For one thing, it is in caretaker status. Mozilla believes Web based mail is the "future." I rather not run roundcube, given I got hacked via an unpatched roundcube back when I was using a hosting company. Webmail just increases your attack surface.
My reason for exploring Alpine is I'm moving away from Claws, for non-technical reasons I won't burden this list with.
Steve Litt November 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business