7 May
7 May
8:33 p.m.
on 5-7-2009 3:22 AM punit_j spake the following:
Hi Daniel,
What version of dovecot supports this feature ? I am using dovecot-0.99.11-8.EL4 and gives error : -
Starting Dovecot Imap: Fatal: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot.conf line 495: Unknown setting: master_user_separator
Here is what i added :
auth_master_user_separator = * auth default { passdb passwd-file { args = /root/passwd.masterusers master = yes } passdb shadow { } userdb passwd { } }
Regards, Punit
Dump that old version. You can get current version RPM's from http://atrpms.net/dist/el4/dovecot/