On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 12:39 -0600, Dan Roberts wrote:
I did have success in getting my mail accounts converted from mbox to
maildir, but then ran aground.I could see all of my existing mail and create new folders, but I
could not see any of my incoming mail.What I was late in realizing was that I needed to also adjust the
settings for my LDA, which as I am using sendmail is procmail, and it
was suggested that I needed to adjust /etc/procmail to include the lineDEFAULT=$HOME/Maildir/
I did that, but new mail still didn't show up correctly. I can only
assume that I have something still not properly adjusted in my
procmail settings. [...]
In each users Home directory I have a .procmailrc file that further
directs things on a user level. For my directory this file is currently[dan@trailrunner ~]$ cat .procmailrc MAILDIR=$HOME/mail
PROBABLYJUNK = /home/dan/mail/probably-spam ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ :O H probably-spam
- ^X-Spam-Status:.*Yes { EXITCODE=67 :0:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^
This makes procmail deliver mail into mbox format files. You most likely want delivery action lines like this: .probably-spam/
Note the leading dot and the trailing slash. That makes procmail use Maildir format. You will have to adjust each and every delivery action. Please see 'man procmailrc'.
Moreover, your ${PROBABLYJUNK} variable doesn't match your ${DEFAULT}. You'd better not provide absolute, full paths there.
Given the above snippets, I guess procmail actually *did* deliver your mail. It's just been dumped in mbox format files, which dovecot with your changed settings doesn't recognize. And probably scattered in multiple directories...
-- char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0.@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4"; main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1: (c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}