On Sat, 2010-06-19 at 03:31 -0700, Brendan McCollam wrote:
I'm running dovecot 1.0.7 on CentOS 5.5, and I've configured it to work
this version is so old it is essentially unsupported
The response seems to be "nobody keeps their quota in MySQL", but the
Lots of people do, us included
setup I'm using is what's recommended by the authors of PostfixAdmin: http://postfixadmin.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/postfixadmin/trunk/DOCUMENTS/DOVECOT.txt?revision=808&view=markup
don't use postfix admin, corporately we use internal written portal, privately, for this domain etc I use GRS. without problem.
- If it is something that should be addressed, do you think I would be better off trying to patch and recompile the 1.0.7 version, or just upgrading to a newer version of Dovecot (keeping in mind that 1.0.7 seems to be the latest available in CentOS repositories)
*shakes head* who cares what version they have, it is outdated, and any bugs may have been found and fixed years ago! The same applies to ancient debian versions as well, in ANY software you have issues with, it is wise to use their latest current stable before asking them for help, be it dovecot, apache, postfix, bind... or whatever :) As developers hate wasting their time on ancient resolved bugs. sadly people who decide to only rely upon the ancient distro versions need to remember they are really "use at your own risk" packages.
Please download 1.2.12, the current stable release, however read the release notes because some settings will be incompatible with 1.0.x. there wont be too many differences but might be some, depending on your setup.