15 Nov
15 Nov
4:32 a.m.
Anyone who has NFS, could you test: http://dovecot.org/tmp/locktest.c
- Compile: gcc locktest.c -o locktest -Wall -g
- Start in server 1: ./locktest temp1
- Start in server 2: ./locktest temp2
- Server 1 might log "unlink() failed" error after starting the second locktest, ignore that.
It starts writing something like:
1 successes 12 successes link() succeeded, but link count=1 12 successes
What I'd like to know is what OS you use on your NFS clients, what NFS server you use and what errors does it give (errors being those "link() succeeded/failed, but .." messages).
I'm getting that "link() succeeded, but link count=1" error with FreeBSD 6.2. So I'd like to know if this is a FreeBSD bug, NFS server bug or a more common NFS problem that I should work around..