19 Feb
19 Feb
10:55 a.m.
On Feb 19, 2008, at 12:11 PM, Carlos Acedo wrote:
avant dovecot: IMAP(carlos): Effective uid=19409, gid=200, home=/ users/pangea/carlos avant dovecot: IMAP(carlos): fs quota add storage dir = /users/ pangea/carlos avant dovecot: IMAP(carlos): fs quota block device = /dev/mapper/ Debian-home avant dovecot: IMAP(carlos): fs quota mount point = /home
Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota
limit grace /dev/mapper/Debian-var
Dovecot is using /dev/mapper/Debian-home, this is showing /dev/mapper/ Debian-var. So they're using different partitions I guess?
Did you try to set quota for /var/mail instead of /home? Since only
INBOX is in /var/mail, you'll need to try something different. Dovecot
supports only one quota partition.