Thanks! I'll take a look.
----- Message from Stan Hoeppner <> --------- Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 22:44:35 -0600 From: Stan Hoeppner <> Reply-To: Subject: Re: [Dovecot] MS Exchange IMAP Proxy To:
On 11/30/2011 2:36 PM, Terry Carmen wrote:
I need to make the IMAP interface of an Exchange 2000 server available on the net, however I would like to give it a little protection, and believe Dovecot's IMAP proxy might be appropriate.
Does anybody have a *really simple* config that would allow IMAP pass-through to a single Exchange server?
The examples I've seen all assume some sort of load balancing, which isn't an issue here, so I'd like to eliminate the need for an unnecessary database server.
Does Dovecot do any cleanup of the IMAP commands that would be useful in protecting Exchange (from this, for example), or am I barking up the wrong tree?
If Dovecot isn't helpful for this, can anybody point me to a better resource?
Look into the SM IMAP Proxy. It was designed for a different purpose, but may work well for your scenario:
-- Stan
----- End message from Stan Hoeppner <> -----
-- Terry Carmen CNY Support, LLC