Hello, i know i know, i'm getting annoying but appearently i always come up with weird ideas and i cant seem to accomplish such a task.
the scenario is that i have an LDAP server with a bunch of users. some of them are in a specific OU, and i'd like to define for all these users belonging to this OU an alternative mail location/storage.
in details for all the users i'd like to use maildir storage in a directory, while for the users belonging to a specific OU i'd like to use dbox with an alternative storage attached.
so i created 2 userdb like this:
userdb { driver = ldap args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-maildir.conf.ext }
userdb { driver = ldap args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-dbox.conf.ext }
and then defined these 2 args files: maildir:
hosts = localhost dn = CN=ldapadmin,OU=administrators,DC=plutone,DC=local dnpass = <password> auth_bind = yes ldap_version = 3 base = DC=plutone,DC=local user_attrs = sAMAccountName=home=/var/vmail/%$
hosts = localhost dn = CN=ldapadmin,OU=administrators,DC=plutone,DC=local dnpass = <password> auth_bind = yes ldap_version = 3 base = OU=dboxusers,OU=lowpriority,DC=plutone,DC=local user_attrs = sAMAccountName=home=/var/local_dbox/%$, =mail=dbox:/var/local_dbox/%$:ALT=/var/iscsi_dbox/%$ user_filter = (&(ObjectClass=person)(mail=%u))
yet it doesn't matter how hard i try if i send an email to a user belonging to the dboxusers OU i still have the user to be addressed to the maildir storage in /var/vmail
am i missing something?
Thanks Francesco