Hi, I have question about how to setup ldap-lookups in dovecot. I have done my homework by googling and reading documention and sample configuration files. But cant resolve this issue.
Background: I have setup postfix and dovecot. Postix is configured to ldap alias maps and is delivering mails to /var/spool/vmail/username/Maildir correctly . Username is ldap attribute sAMAccountName from active directory. Goal: To use dovecots sieve plugin I have to setup postfix to use dovecots deliver. Changed postfix main.cf to virtual_transport = dovecot and master.cf to include lines: dovecot unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/lda/deliver -d ${recipient}
Problem is that mail get delivered to /var/spool/vmail/users.email@address , not folder named as ldap attribute sAMAccountNameas it should.
The question is: How I can configure deliver to do map email address to ldap attribute sAMAccountName? Second question is can I use ldap groups as distribution lists whit deliver?
Dovecot version is 1.1.2 and postfix 2.5.1