Hello :)
I just couldn't login to my dovecot imap (1.0-beta2). Dovecot authenticates from mysql database.
Feb 6 19:47:33 elfstone dovecot: auth-worker(default_with_listener): sql(damirh@noviforum.si): User query failed: MySQL client run out of memory Feb 6 19:47:52 elfstone dovecot: auth-worker(default_with_listener): ^GOut of memory (Needed 8164 bytes) Feb 6 19:47:52 elfstone dovecot: auth-worker(default_with_listener): sql(bfg@noviforum.si): User query failed: MySQL client run out of memory Feb 6 19:48:19 elfstone dovecot: auth-worker(default_with_listener): ^GOut of memory (Needed 8164 bytes) Feb 6 19:48:19 elfstone dovecot: auth-worker(default_with_listener): sql(bfg@noviforum.si): User query failed: MySQL client run out of memory Feb 6 19:48:19 elfstone dovecot: auth-worker(default_with_listener): ^GOut of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
Restarting dovecot solved the problem. Ofcourse, machine didn't run into memory problems.
Slackware 9.1, linux 2.6.
Best regards, Brane