Dear Timo
I have set up crontab to run the tool expires at midnight
When running with the --test option:
Info: User lookup failed: Info: no messages left
When running without the --test option:
Does not leave any message and there are no data in the table expires of Mysql
I reviewed the Trash folder and still holds the emails.
It should be noted that for purposes of the test today I sent two emails and copied to the Papelera folder so that after executing the end-tool should be removed
Jose Luis
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Problems with Expire Plugin From: To: CC: Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 14:57:19 -0400
On Thu, 2009-07-09 at 12:12 -0500, Jose Luis Marin Perez wrote:
Now my problem is with expire-tool because it is not deleting the emails in the folder that has been marked by Expire Plugin.
Did you read how exactly it works?
This is the command that I run through crontab:
/usr/local/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail ext /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/expire-tool
Giving --test parameter shows what it's really doing.
| | 1247162400 |
1247162400 = Thu Jul 9 18:00:00 UTC 2009
So it should have started checking and expunging oldest message(s) from this mailbox about an hour ago (as of when I'm writing this mail).
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