On Jan 2, 2013, at 4:05 AM, Andrzej A. Filip wrote:
On 01/02/2013 12:09 AM, DormitionSkete@hotmail.com wrote:
[...] I ran it without making any changes. This is the output.
systemuser@openindiana:~/Downloads/Sendmail# sendmail -d60.5 -d27.2 -bv hacwebstore map_lookup(dequote, systemuser, %0=systemuser) => NOT FOUND (0) map_lookup(dequote, hacwebstore, %0=hacwebstore) => NOT FOUND (0) alias(hacwebstore) aliaswait: sleeping for 2 seconds (loopcount = 1) aliaswait: sleeping for 4 seconds (loopcount = 2) aliaswait: sleeping for 8 seconds (loopcount = 3) aliaswait: sleeping for 16 seconds (loopcount = 4) aliaswait: sleeping for 32 seconds (loopcount = 5) aliaswait: sleeping for 60 seconds (loopcount = 6) ^Csystemuser@openindiana:~/Downloads/Sendmail# [...] Have you executed newaliases command after modifying aliases file? The command adds special "magic" entry to the compiled version of aliases file used by sendmail.
URL(s): http://etutorials.org/Server+Administration/Sendmail/Part+III+The+Configurat...
Andrzej, I think we're making progress. Now I can send mail to the virtual users, but it gets stuck in the mqueue.
This is what your test says now:
systemuser@openindiana:/etc/mail/cf/cf/DsMiscFiles# !481 sendmail -d60.5 -d27.2 -bv hacwebstore map_lookup(dequote, systemuser, %0=systemuser) => NOT FOUND (0) map_lookup(dequote, hacwebstore, %0=hacwebstore) => NOT FOUND (0) alias(hacwebstore) hacwebstore (, hacwebstore) aliased to hacwebstore@DOVECOT map_lookup(mailertable, DOVECOT, %0=DOVECOT) => dovecot:localhost (0) self_reference(hacwebstore@DOVECOT) ... no self ref hacwebstore@DOVECOT... deliverable: mailer dovecot, host localhost, user hacwebstore
This is the mail header from the mqueue:
V8 T1357147927 K1357147927 N1 P30692 I0/2/205980 MDeferred: dovecot mailer (/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL Fbs $_openindiana [IPv6:::1] $rESMTP $slocalhost ${daemon_flags} S<systemuser@localhost> MDeferred: dovecot mailer (/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL Chacwebstore:1:0:<hacwebstore@localhost> rRFC822; hacwebstore@localhost RPFDA:hacwebstore@DOVECOT H?P?Return-Path: <g> H??Received: from localhost (openindiana [IPv6:::1]) by openindiana.local (8.14.4+Sun/8.14.4) with ESMTP id r02HW7V8001896 for <hacwebstore@localhost>; Wed, 2 Jan 2013 10:32:07 -0700 (MST) H?x?Full-Name: systemuser H??Received: from ::1 (SquirrelMail authenticated user systemuser) by localhost with HTTP; Wed, 2 Jan 2013 10:32:07 -0700 H??Message-ID: <313a44da88c9ce12dd7a0bd790ce85b1.squirrel@localhost> H??Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 10:32:07 -0700 H??Subject: Test 03 H??From: systemuser@localhost H??To: hacwebstore@localhost H??User-Agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.22 H??MIME-Version: 1.0 H??Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1 H??Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit H??X-Priority: 3 (Normal) H??Importance: Normal .